Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Strawberry Cream Dessert OR Strawberry Creamy Deliciousness of my Dreams

Happy 4th of July!! I think that it is safe to say that the 4th of july is not only a celebration of freedom, but also a celebration of FOOD :) I was looking for a recipe to make that involved strawberries and cream cheese because we had an abundance of both when I looked in the fridge. As I was looking I asked my Mom if she had one, and being the incredible woman that she is she had one with BOTH (WHOA sooopaaa MOM). It is literally one of the easiest recipes I have ever done....I know thats not saying much because I pretty much just started cooking this summer, BUT seriously it is. I sweeerrrrrr.

Strawberry Cream Dessert

8 oz Cream Cheese (a small box of cream cheese)
500 ml of Whipping Cream
1/2 to 1 cup white sugar
fresh strawberries


In a mixer blend the cream cheese until creamy

Slowly add whipping cream (un whipped) and whip

Add sugar, and continue beating until the whipped cream peaks

Wash and hull your strawberries (enough to cover the bottom of a 9X13 casserole pan)

Completely cover the bottom of the casserole dish with strawberries

Spread cream mixture over top of the strawberries 

Refrigerate all day (not all night) 

Sprinkle brown sugar all over the top of the cream just before serving and place it under a broiler until slightly browned.

And then eat to your hearts desire. NOM NOM NOM

It really was delicious, AND easy. I will definitely make this one again.  

Monday, July 4, 2011

Here Goes!

Seeing as this is my first post there is not much to put up yet, BUT it is the 4th of July, so of course a recipe will be coming either tonight or tomorrow. I decided to go VERY easy and make a strawberry dessert with a cream cheese whipped cream. It should be delish! Anyways, try and be patient because it will come. I promise.

I also don't really know what I'm doing, so any constructive criticism would be AWSOME. Also, if you have a cooking blog and know how to do the recipe tabs and stuff like that I would love to know what to do.